Saturday, July 25, 2020

Statistics Part 1 - Practice Problems and Answers (#12)


The city of Raleigh has 9500 registered voters.  There are two candidates for city council in an upcoming election: Brown and Feliz.  The day before the election, a telephone poll of 350 randomly selected registered voters was conducted.  One hundred and twelve said they’d vote for Brown, 238 said they’d vote for Feliz, and 31 were undecided.

a. What is the population of this survey?

b.  What is the size of the population?

c.  What is the size of the sample?

d.  Give the sample statistic for the proportion of voters surveyed who said they’d vote for Brown.

e.  Based on this sample, we might expect how many of the 9500 voters to vote for Brown?

Identify the most relevant source of bias in this situation: A survey asks people to report their actual income and the income they reported on their IRS tax form.

In a study, you ask the subjects their age in years. Is this data qualitative or quantitative?

Does this describe an observational study or an experiment: The temperature on randomly selected days throughout the year was measured.

In a study, the sample is chosen by separating all cars by size, and selecting 10 of each size grouping. What is the sampling method?


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