Saturday, July 25, 2020

Solving Systems of Linear Equations - Practice Problems and Answers (#4 Part 1)


Solve the system of equations by any method:

8x + 16y = 200
60x + 40y = 960.

Solve the system of equations by any method:

5x + 2y = 54
2x + 4y = 60.

A company manufactures two types of printers, the Inkjet and Laser.  On the assembly line, the Inkjet requires 7 hours, while the Laser takes 11 hours.  The Inkjet requires one hour and the Laser requires 3 hours of testing.  On a particular production run the company has available 1,540 work hours on the assembly line and 360 work hours for testing.  Find the number of printers the company should make.


Solve the system of equations by any method:  8x + 16y = 200 60x + 40y = 960.  We will solve this system of equations by the substitution method.  Note that 8x + 16y = 200 implies that 8x = 200 - 16y and moreover that  x = 25 - 2y.  Put x = 25 - 2y into 60x + 40y = 960 to get 60(25 - 2y) + 40y = 960 which implies that 1500 - 120y + 40y = 960 which implies that 1500 - 80y = 960 which implies that 540 - 80y = 0 which implies that 540 = 80y which implies that y = 27/4.  Now put y = 27/4 into one of the equations in the original system.  Without loss of generality, put y = 27/4 into 8x + 16y = 200 to get 8x + 16(27/4) = 200 implies that 8x + 108 = 200 implies that 8x = 92 implies that x = 23/2.  Thus, the solution is (x, y) = (23/2, 27/4).

Solve the system of equations by any method:  5x + 2y = 54 2x + 4y = 60.  We will solve this system of equations by the elimination method.  Multiply 5x + 2y = 54 by -2 to get -10x -4y = -108.  Add -10x - 4y = -108 to 2x + 4y = 60 to get -8x = -48 which implies that x = 6.  Put x = 6 into 2x + 4y = 60 in the original system of equations (because we did not do anything to this equation) to get 2(6) + 4y = 60 which implies that 12 + 4y = 60 which implies that 4y = 48 which implies that y = 12.  Thus, (x, y) = (6, 12) is the solution.

A company manufactures two types of printers, the Inkjet and Laser.  On the assembly line, the Inkjet requires 7 hours, while the Laser takes 11 hours.  The Inkjet requires one hour and the Laser requires 3 hours of testing.  On a particular production run the company has available 1,540 work hours on the assembly line and 360 work hours for testing.  Find the number of printers the company should make. Answer: Let I be the number of Inkjet printers and L be the number of Laser printers.  We will solve the system 7I + 11L = 1540, I + 3L = 360.  (The first equation was from the assembly line and the second equation was from testing.)  Since I + 3L = 360, we have that I = 360 - 3L.  Substitute I = 360 - 3L into 7I + 11L = 1540 to get 7(360 - 3L) + 11L = 1540 which implies that 2520 - 21L + 11L = 1540 which implies that 2520 - 10L = 1540 which implies that 980 - 10L = 0, i.e. 980 = 10L.  Thus, L = 98.  Put L = 98 into I + 3L = 360.  (We could do 7I + 11L = 1540, but I + 3L = 360 is easier.)  to get I + 3(98) = 360, i.e. I = 66.  The company should make 98 Laser printers and 66 Inkjet printers.

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