Sunday, July 19, 2020

Linear Inequalities in Two Variables - Practice Problems and Answers (#3)


Graph 4x + 9y ≤ 72 
Graph y < -3x + 21


Answer for 4x + 9y less than or equal to 72: Consider 4x + 9y = 72.  x-intercept: Put y = 0 into 4x + 9y = 72.  Get 4x = 72 i.e. x = 18 and so (18, 0) is a on the line.  y-intercept: Put x = 0 into 4x + 9y = 72 to get 9y = 72 i.e. y = 8.  So, (0, 8) is on the line.  Check points: Try (0, 10): Since 4(0) + 9(10) = 90 is not less than or equal to 72, then don't shade above the line.  Try (0,0).  Since 4(0) + 9(0) = 0 is less than or equal to 72, shade where (0, 0) is at which is below the line 4x + 9y = 72. Now, we will draw the graph.  Draw the Cartesian coordinate system and the line 4x + 9y = 72 which goes through the points (0, 8) and (18, 0).  Make sure the line is solid.  Shade below the line.  Now, we will give the answer for the graph of y < -3x + 21.  Consider y = -3x + 21.  The x-intercept is (7, 0) and the y-intercept is (0, 21).  Plot the line on the graph and make sure it is dashed due to the "<" sign since it does not have equality.  Check points: Try (0,0).  So, 0 < -3(0) + 21 = 21 is true and so we will shade where (0, 0) is at which is to the left of the line y = -3x + 21.  Try (10, 0).  So, 0 < -3(10) + 21 = -30 + 21 = -9 is false and we won't shade here.

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